
Senate Bill 762, signed in 2021, codified wildfire prevention, community risk reduction, and proactive emergency response tools for the Oregon State Fire Marshal. As a result, the OSFM created a defensible space program to help Oregonians become better protected against wildfire.

The OSFM drafted a defensible space code in collaboration with many stakeholders. To ensure Oregonians had the opportunity to provide feedback about the code development, the OSFM hosted 17 in-person and three virtual town halls across Oregon. During these meetings, more than 2,100 people attended to provide feedback. The input received was vital in informing the draft code language.

Defensible space program

The Governor’s Fire Service Policy Council — a group of fire service professionals who advise the governor about fire protection in Oregon—created a list of recommendations for the public to use to assess their wildfire preparedness. These recommendations are based on the draft defensible space code and other best practices for wildfire safety in Oregon.

The Oregon State Fire Marshal used this list to create a voluntary assessment program with the Oregon fire service. Oregonians can request a free defensible space assessment for their home or business. The assessment will be completed by an OSFM staff member or a member of your local fire agency.


Senate Bill 762 provided the Oregon State Fire Marshal funds to strengthen response capacity and support community risk reduction projects. The OSFM developed a robust grants program to achieve the goals outlined in the legislation. Over the last two years, the one-time funding has proved successful.

Read more about the OSFM grants here.

defensible space assessment video


If you have questions or would like more information, contact us at osfm.defensiblespace@osfm.oregon.gov or 503-934-0874.

The Oregon State Fire Marshal’s mission is to protect people, property, and the environment from fire and hazardous materials.
To learn more about the agency, visit their website.

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